(entry on Via della Pitalessa)
The gallery is situated in the hall of the Santissimo Sacramento brotherhood. The hall houses a magnificent Crocifissione fresco painted by Francesco da Castel della Pieve (an artist from the same town as Pietro Vannucci, Il Perugino) in 1452. The fresco was commissioned by the Prior, Andrea di Giovanni. Shortly afterwards, on a side wall, a local painter added an Annunciazione fresco that can still be made out today, although it is badly damaged. The large brotherhood meeting room today houses some of Paciano’s most impressive paintings, including: a Madonna del Davanzale, attributed to Bernardino di Mariotto (late 15th century); an oil on canvas Annunciazione from the early 17th century; two excellent Servite Order paintings (Madonna Addolorata and Madonna col Bambino e Santi) and a depiction of the Dominican Saints (all 17th century, and all from the Sant’Antonio monastery); and two paintings depicting Santa Lucia. There is a small section dedicated to the Paciano artist Antonio Castelletti (1764-1840), with his Misteri, an early work attached to the Madonna del Rosario canvas, which is housed in the parish church, and the processional banner depicting Santa Bonosa, one of Paciano’s patron saints. The collection also includes a reconstruction of the polyptych by Antonio and Giovanni Sparapane, with the two side panels depicting Santa Mustiola and San Pietro Apostolo (1475-78).